Introduction to Public Relations ... ?!??
What do you have in mind about learning Public Relations subject?
Anyway, today is my first day learning and engaging with this particular subject, Public Relations and frankly said I am now looking forward to knowing what exactly is all about, as I would always want to be one of the successful public relations one day.
Yet, to be honest, I have never really understood what public relations all about until today I finally have a little pictures of it.
"PR is a process by which organisation communicate with public in different ways in different situations.." this is what I got today.
Reading book today :
Week 1&2
I second the idea of PRIA, Tracy Jones that saying the new public relations graduates are to work with people they admire and 'learn, learn, learn'.
To work with people you admire will assist you faster to succeed as you admire the people, you love the job, you love the surroundings, when you have already gotten all the basic stuff, it will be easier for you to be the best public relations.
A lot of people especially the new practitioners of PR still do not know what is the real meaning of their job.
Understanding the profession and having a working knowledge of what it does is very important to prevent you from misinterpreting it. So watch out!
They always think of promoting when it comes to PR.
Frankly speaking, that was my definition before I got to learn the subject, but then I just knew the real meaning after reading it for few pages.
Even promoting is a little part of it though, but the most important part is you engage with other things as well, such as planning, research, publicity, promotion and collaborative decision making to help any organisation's to achieve its mission and vision.
However, different country has differ perspective towards the definition of PR. The one that I mentioned above is US perspective because I second that very much.
United Kingdom has its own perspective, Asian, so do the authors.
Yet to me still the most incredible thing is, you can assist people with your creative idea, you bring up one organisations reputation with your creative idea, you help people to succeed and so do yourself.
what a amazing thing to do, isn't it?
Besides the facts above, do you know that apparently in PR profession, women taking the lead?
One of the trends apparent in many cultures is that public relations students and practitioners are primarily female (Chia&Synnott, 2009).
About 80% of students in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Hongkong are female while in the United Kingdom the proportion reaches 90% instead in recent development (L'Etang 2006: 162).
Even though in the past 60 years, the representation of women n the public relations profession was not that much, but after getting through much improvements, number of women in the public relations profession has steeply increased since then.
Wilcox et al. (65) emphasize the following:
- Women find the communication environment more welcoming than, for example, newspaper or other media work. It is true, women love to chatter away, they can even chat for the whole night with their girlfriends.
- Women make more money in public relations than comparable female-dominated fields such as teaching.
- Women can begin a public relations consultancy without a great deal of capital.
- Women tend to be more proficient listeners and communicators than men. As women are used to talking and chattering, so they tend to be good at listening and communicating. To me it is a natural thing.
- Women are more sensitive in managing dialogue and consultations. That is why most of consultations teacher are also female as well, because they know and understand how to manage a problem in a way more effective. They tend to be more sensitive, so they can understand people's feeling easily.
Last but not least, PR does seem fascinating yet ... a little bit tough I think.
a little bit tough, i second that